Keep Patient Scheduling On Track With Automated Reminders

Automated reminders conceptKeeping track of your daily schedule can become difficult. People have all kinds of demands on their time concerning their work, home life, and even social life. As a result, they may forget about medical appointments and not show up for a consultation. Sending out automated reminders can significantly help reduce the number of no-shows in a healthcare environment. And these reminders need not only focus on appointments. You can use them for a variety of things in your practice. And a medical virtual assistant is the ideal person to take care of this task for you.

Automated Reminders: How Do They Work?

An automated reminder is a scheduled, electronic reminder sent to patients automatically. In other words, someone inputs the data into your system and your patients receive reminders at certain predetermined times. This takes the hassle out of having to keep a record of whom to physically contact and when. Your staff need not take time out of a busy day to go through a list and contact your patients about specific issues, whether it is an appointment they need to keep or a bill that needs to be paid by a due date.

Once your virtual medical assistant has made the initial contact with a patient, they can use your practice’s system to send out specific reminders to patients on predetermined dates. Your patients would then note acceptance of these reminders. If they do not indicate receipt, your virtual medical assistant can contact them directly to find out whether a patient recieved the notifications and whether they will honor their appointment time or other commitments.

Types of Automated Reminders

Automated reminders can take three forms: text messages, emails, or telephone calls. You can also send out all three. What is more, a CoolBlue VA virtual medical assistant can customize these automated reminders for medical practices. These reminders can easily sync with your health record system. Depending on the type of appointment, they can also include consent forms and procedure instructions.

Text Messages

Sent directly to a patient’s phone, your CoolBlue VA virtual medical assistant can customize text messages and send them a few times before your patient’s appointment. This type of automated reminder, much simpler than a traditional phone call, quickly allows your patients to confirm via a quick text reply.


Your virtual medical assistant can customize these automated emails. They can opt to send out one, or a series on pre-determined dates to remind your patients of pending appointments. An advantage of this type of automated reminder is that your virtual medical assistant can send and ask for much more information than they could by sending text messages. Depending on the type of email, your patient can confirm the appointment with a single click.

Note that if you do not have the capability to do automated reminders, your virtual assistant can always send these out manually as well, but it will look automated to your patients.

Automated Telephone Reminders

These automated reminders do not allow your virtual assistant to send much additional information. This type of service would include a short message reminding patients of their appointments while giving them various response options. These could include confirmation of an appointment, cancelation, or a request for a callback to reschedule, for example.

Benefits of Automated Reminders

Patients not turning up for appointments could have a serious impact on a practice’s financial situation as well as taking away time healthcare practitioners could have spent on seeing someone else. Automated reminders can help with this situation and improve your practice’s workflow.

Benefits for Patients

Sending many different types of reminders helps reach people of different ages, demographics, ability levels, and with different technology usage habits.

In the fast-paced world of today, people tend to forget things. They have to prioritizing everything, including their healthcare. Often, they may forget about things like routine check ups while focusing on things they regard as more important, such as taking on a new project at work to pay bills or caring for a sick family member.

Furthermore, these reminders give patients the opportunity to reschedule appointments as well. This is very convenient for both the patient and the practice. Patients get a more convenient appointment day and time, while the healthcare practice has the opportunity to fill the slot from someone on their waiting list. This also allows waiting patients to be seen sooner.

Benefits for Healthcare Practices

Those in the medical profession know that time is of the essence. You can only see so many patients during the course of the day. Having no-shows creates an unproductive space in your daily schedule. Here follows several benefits for healthcare practices regarding automated reminders sent out by a virtual medical assistant.

Increased Patient Loyalty

Automated text or email reminders do not inconvenience your patients. They can answer as and when it is convenient for them. Automated phone calls, on the other hand, can benefit patients with hearing issues. Allowing your patients to choose their preferred method of contact can greatly contribute toward patient satisfaction and loyalty.

Decreases No-Shows

Because of these reminders, you may steadily experience a decrease in the number of patients failing to turn up for their appointments. Where patients do not respond or cancel, or where a follow-up phone call results in a patient rescheduling an appointment, your virtual assistant can easily fill the slot with someone on your waiting list. In this way, your waiting list gets shorter while patient satisfaction and loyalty increase.

Human Resources

Having a virtual medical assistant handle your automated responses frees up your in-house human resources. Your front-office staff does not need to spend most of their day making phone calls. Neither do you have to wait for a free line to make phone calls. Furthermore, it leaves your in-house staff free to focus on your patients and other much-needed tasks at the practice.


You guarantee a greater rate of accuracy when making use of automated responses. You reduce the risk of human error. The message sent, customized for a specific patient, addresses only that person’s particular situation.

Source of Information

Automated reminders when sent by text message or email could serve as a reference for essential appointment information. Patients can go back to them as and when needed to ensure the correct date and time of their appointment. It also helps them remember whether they need to bring certain documents.

Using A Medical Virtual Assistant From CoolBlue VA for Automated Reminders

A CoolBlue VA medical virtual assistant can help any medical practice that uses eClinicalWorks reduce no-shows. These professionals automate and personalize your automated reminders and do follow-ups with patients who do not show up for appointments or who fail to respond. As a result, you can take appropriate action aimed at improving your service and thus increase patient attendance and reduce the number of empty slots in your daily calendar.

Furthermore, a virtual hire through CoolBlue VA frees up time for those working in your office and allows them to focus on more complex tasks. Our virtual assistants, with their extreme flexibility, can work hours your current in-house staff cannot, thereby making sure your patients’ needs are attended to 24/7.

If you would like to know more about how a virtual assistant from CoolBlue VA can help with automated reminders and the other professional services we offer, contact us today at 714-695-8000. We will gladly help you find your perfect virtual assistant solution.

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